Thursday, May 31, 2012

contradiction on missile power advancement


Is spending millions of money on missiles, necessary for a developing country like India  ???? 

     In any contradictory condition there will be mainly 2 groups, those who support the things going on and the others who oppose, ofcourse there will be a group who remain neutral, no one really cares this group. So now let us discuss the solution for the above question in both the views.

   If I belong to the opposing group the first question raised by me will be ..    what`s the necessary for wasting millions of public money on producing missiles which are seldom used without keeping in mind that India is a country where people die by starving, they don’t have enough clothes to wear, enough shelter, they also don’t have things which are meant for daily basic needs of every human.

     Some thousands of families can get their shelter and employment if the money used for developing a single missile was used for the under poverty levels instead and such a devasting situation can be avoided. It is reasonable in developing something which are used in the real life but those missiles are never ever used for the reason if once used there will not be any life on the only life supporting planet in universe. Even scientists are really wasting their precious time by denoting their brains to develop these useless missiles, can`t they think about how we can bring peace n how to reduce poverty levels in the country. Even the government is highly supporting this, as if they were intending to show the power to the world which is practically useless.

    But if am the member of the other group which support the missile technology development then I strongly believe that if a country needs military for its security then we should go ahead with the missile technology, even I say that we are very much lagging in the defence being one of the fastest developing countries.

  Can we imagine India without Kashmir, without the north eastern parts, noooo. Then how can you judge a country without a proper defence system can protect their interior parts being occupied by the other countries. Missile technology gives a warning to the  countries which are trying to attack on us as we can see that from past 65 years. A single missile development mission gives employment to some thousands of families, it’s the leading factor in maintaining the GDP higher, encourages many scientists, engineers to excel in their fields and this can place India in a leading position in the world.  

     Finally, a country is said to be developed if it is really developed in each and every field and defence is the one of the most important branches.                        

So it`s now your turn to decide whether the missile advancement is necessary for a country or not...