Tuesday, April 3, 2012

space war -1

Cold war between Russia and USA (part-1)

Birth of modern rockets

               It was the period of world war 2, Hitler wants to show his power to the world , want to take control over the world and this thought forced the most brilliant scientists of Germany to design the world`s first missile .Sir Warner Van Brown designed the most powerful rocket and Hitler named it as vengeance (v-2). In a time span of just one year Germany used about 2000 v-2s in the war. But as soon as the Germany defeated badly in the war, the production of v-2s was been shutdown.    

               After the 2nd world war, the only major countries left, was USA and USSR. Time passed for a decade without any things happened that can be mentioned in the world`s history, as both the major countries are silent and off course busy in developing their own financial status. But that silence resulted in a cold war between them and that war was meant to develop the most powerful missiles ever used. Both USA and USSR used the technology of v-2 rocket for developing their own missiles.

      After the humiliation of Germany, Van Brown moved on to USA to make his ideas come true. Sergei Korolov, a Russian top rocket scientist took the responsibility of developing a rocket that can hit any place in the world, which was the desire of Russian higher authorities. But this research made him think of space travel using these powerful rockets. Sergei Korolov from Russia and van brown from USA succeeded in producing the rockets that can clear off the earth`s atmosphere.

    And  the space race starts………..


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