Monday, July 23, 2012

space exploration versus mother earth

                   Space exploration  v/s  mother earth
   u think its really necessary to explore space and other planets....
  u think its really necessary to search for life on moon or so called other heavenly bodies....

         if so, then what do u think about neglecting the existence of  life on earth which is the only life exsisting planet(till now).
         Our planet mother earth , we say it proudly but that proudness doesnt had place in protecting the planet. Many species are going to extinct , few were already lost their presence and man is designing this extinct race with his comforts , with his selfishness, decorating his own death with items like pollution etc ohh there are many to list, i wont do that right now.
          Whats the meaning in spending millions of money and even lots of time on   discovering a small hope of presence of life on other planet and on the  other hand criticising our own planet what we called mother planet where life is  already present and ofcourse , is going to extinct , haaa sorry to say this but one should accept the fact. They declare proudly that our country discovered spares of water molecules on moon , others say that its their country that took the photos of water mixed with sand or something else , i dont care with what that water was combined , but what i always wants to ask is..... cant they dream to declare that they have provided cent percent pure water to their people or atleast an acceptable purity level of drinking water to one and all in their country.

        I never understand why they are working 24*7 on estimating the life time of  meteor that is approching  pluto  forgetting to estimate their own planets life time and even they dont care for their own life time, haha how crazy they are....
         but still it attracts me dont know why? but i love space exploration , i go crazy when i saw the pics of galaxies or some thing related to that , i will be excited when i heard about indian advancements towards space travel,    
Hoping for success of the upcoming rocket launch by INDIA.....
       the first indian indeginous cryogenic engine rocket (GSLV)
                                              .... waiting for that successfull launch

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