Monday, August 13, 2012

The Unknown Destiny

           It was just past midnight, they have got the signal from the space for which they were waiting for months. It was not from the god but from the thing ,they were really worshiping from past 3months. 4th October, 1957 was written with the golden words in the world`s history. Russia proved its supremacy by placing the first satellite into the space and the search started from that moment.
               USA , within a couple of months, have sent their satellite , then the man into the space by Russia followed by USA and then this time USA crossed Russia making their man to step on the moon. Few countries followed this series and many others are trying a lot to do that. The search went to the mars, the other planets and their moons , their each and every movements were covered by satellite which were meant to do that. Satellites travel for years to reach the other planets and get information about it. Man learnt a lot about the sun , our solar system, our galaxy etc.. . Satellites not only helped for the space exploration but also has another dimension which helps a lot for the development of Mankind. People are using those satellites for almost every work they do, it became a part of our life. They help us to defend from the natural calamities and also they help us in the wars to destroy ourselves.
               Are they really helping to develop the mankind? Are these designed to destroy ourselves? Whatever it may be , they really changed the way of living.
                Recently they build a big apartment like structure in the space called the great International space station where the research is going to explore the universe. Now a days people are visiting very recently and few are going there to get the feel of being in space, to feel the freefall, to view the earth from there and so on , paying loads of money to respective authorities.
                     Man never satisfied with this achievement. They want something else that can fulfill their desires, they don`t know what makes them satisfy but they go on searching for that and they can even put their lives to reach that unknown destiny.

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